Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Sorry haven't updated in a while... I'm so very tired.

School and clinic has been really rough. My stomach is killing me from all the stress... zantac and prevacid are good companions these days. Ambien is the only way I sleep longer than 4-5 hrs. Better living through pharmacology I guess.
I did come home to a nice surprise today... my housekeeper left a DELICIOUS dinner of organic chicken enchiladas, salad, refried beans (not from a can) and a delicious key lime pie! I tell you she is worth every cent!
Quinn is doing well. I just weighed her today and she is 19.2 lbs. That puts her just below 45th percentile for weight. Didn't measure height but she is so tall compared to the other babies. at her Dr appt awhile ago she was 95th for height

Quinn picked out a pumpkin.. as you can see she has fun playing with it.

and this is her silly face

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